Did you know? Stimming is an adaptive behavior which can help and autistic person focus, cope, engage, etc. Asking an autistic person not to stim can be more distracting than the stim itself

Stimming is an adaptive behaviour that performs a positive function

Autism Speaks loves funding mouse-model studies like this one which looks into the possible causes for repetitive behaviours. I’m a fan of science but I can’t help thinking about all the communication devices for non-speaking autistic people that $120,000 could have purchased.

In the resources section of the Autism Speaks website you’ll find countless practitioners who will work with you to reduce or eliminate those pesky “inappropriate” behaviours.

What many autistic people have been telling us for years is that these behaviours perform a positive function and that the only people who seem to find them problematic are non-autistic people – because it makes them feel uncomfortable.

These are two of my favourite posts on stimming:

Quiet Hands from Just Stimming

Socially Inappropriate from Musings of an Aspie


Image description: A line drawing of hands flapping is shown on a purple background together with the following text – did you know? Stimming – Usually NOT harmful. The repetitive movement of the body or voice. May express joy, anxiety, boredom, frustration. Can be fun, relaxing, soothing. Not necessarily an indication that a person unable/unwilling to attend to socialization, learning, etc.

Picture credit.

Light It Up True is a campaign running in April to counter the misinformation and outright lies spread by Autism Speaks. We will be sharing some truths about both autism and the largest so-called ‘autism charity’ in the United States.

This campaign is part of a larger one called Boycott Autism Speaks. Please go to boycottautismspeaks.com to find out more.

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